Dr. Fox
Law Office

Law Office Of Richard B. Fox, M.D., J.D.

1875 S. Bascom Avenue, Ste. 2400, Campbell, CA 95008

Specializing In Medical - Legal Matters & Medical Freedom

Dr. Fox is both a California-licensed attorney, California State Bar number 283447, and California-licensed physician, Medical Board of California license number G67169. His legal practice specializes in medico-legal matters, that is, matters that relate significantly to both law and medicine.

Areas Of Interest At This Time Include:

Constitutionality Of California’s Mandated Child Vaccinations. The issue is whether California’s mandated vaccinations violate the fundamental right to refuse unwanted medical treatment and where they cannot withstand strict scrutiny because there is substantial evidence from VAERS that they are unsafe and the government lacks compelling evidence from placebo-controlled studies that they are safe

Compensation For Death And Injury Caused By Mandated Child Vaccinations. The issue is whether the children who died or were injured by vaccines administered to them without consent reasonably informed as to the risks shown by the VAERS data and the lack of placebo-controlled studies to determine safety are entitled to just compensation.

Constitutionality Of The PREP Act as applied during the COVID-19 pandemic to suspend fundamental rights including the involuntary confinement, sedation, and medication in hospitals and nursing homes (medical kidnappings) without disclosure of the institutions’ financial incentives for such medical kidnappings and their resulting financial conflicts of interest, none of which can withstand strict scrutiny review.

Compensation For Death And Injury Caused By COVID Vaccinations. The issue is whether those who died or were injured by COVID vaccines administered to them without consent reasonably informed as to the risks shown by the VAERS data and the lack of placebo-controlled studies to determine safety are entitled to just compensation.